I went on a lot of walks in my local park in the first month of Funemloyment!
Last week marked a year since I quit my job and ventured into the land of unemployment (or some may call self-employment! ).
Here are some quick reflections from a 26 year old who doesn’t know much at all 🙏
Starting your own businesss is TOUGHHHH, not necessarily because of the risk it takes. More the mental toll of always being on and knowing it all comes down to you - Loving autonomy and taking ownership at your current job does not mean you’ll thrive at entrepreneurship. I felt like I could do anything I wanted at my previous company but being No.3 - 10 is 100x easier mentally than being No.1. As a founder you start your day thinking about what’s going on with your company and you finish the day with the exact same thoughts. Every single day (weekends included)!
Working with friends is HARD - This is not my first time working with friends, I worked with some of my closest friends at my previous startup. But it’s still incredibly hard. It is nearly impossible to remove how you feel about someone in a working environment to how you feel about them personally. This is why it’s important to be on the same wave length and have a similar level of work ethic as whichever friend you choose to go into business with.
You do NOT have to be an entrepreneur/self-employed - It is a 50/50 choice, mainly down to preference. I don’t think being an entrepreneur has a higher upside than working for someone and if it does, it is not much. I don’t subscribe to the you shouldn’t have a boss rhetoric. I know many people who make a middle to high income with a boss, who are super happy. My co-founders were one of them and they CHOSE to become entrepreneurs. Don’t let ego or FOMO get in the way of things, choose the life you want.
That’s it! I’m sure there’s more but I promised myself I’d write this quickly on my train journey to one of our Sportas games!
Hope you enjoyed it x